Wherever earthworks are required and unstable subsoil is encountered, expanded clay is considered a good choice. The field of civil engineering often overlaps with road or railway construction or even canal or tunnel construction, which are mainly also categorised as underground construction. Nevertheless, the challenges are similar in nature, thus we have also provided a dedicated menu item for all of these areas in the interest of completeness.
Many challenges – one material: Expanded clay
As a rule, sites with unstable subsoil are the smallest common denominator. Expanded clay is stable, can be processed quickly and simply and is virtually self-compacting. Beginning with a minimum installation thickness of 0.30 m, professional compaction is required. Other qualities such as the low weight or low susceptibility to frost are also frequently required. On the other hand, an additional sound insulation layer and the A1 fire prevention class rating are important prerequisites, for example, in tunnel construction. The multitalent expanded clay fulfils not only all these demands, but many others as well, such as thermal insulation or drainage.
There is an exceptionally wide range of potential applications. We will be happy to advise you personally about applications or particle sizes and can supply the product to you in expedient units from bags to entire vehicle loads.