Which serious advantages do winter maintenance services that use CN Winter Grit have?
Our product CN Winter Grit is supplied and calculated according to volume, in other words, in litres or cubic metres, and is absolutely eco-friendly. Moreover, thanks to its low weight, our product is approx. 3.5 times more efficient than, for example, sand or crushed rock.
How little does it weigh?
According to our declaration of performance, CN Winter Grit has an average bulk density of around 260 kg/m³. Thus a 50-l bag weighs only approx. 14 kg, making it very easy to handle. Of course, dealing with the relatively light bags also protects employees from excessively high weight loads. Consequently, this can proactively reduce employee absences.
How economical is CN Winter Grit?
A 50-l bag is sufficient to cover an area of approx. 750 m³ reliably. In our opinion, one really can speak of high productivity on the basis of this result.
What delivery forms are available for CN Winter Grit?
We are able to offer a wide range of delivery forms depending on the needs and size of the customer and/or the company. Bulk goods can be delivered by silo vehicle or in a tipper / walking floor lorry. Two different sizes of bigbags are available as packaging units as well as the standard bagged product in 50-l bags.
How environmentally compatible is CN Winter Grit?
More and more cities and local authorities are using CN Winter Grit as anti-skid grit. Our modern, salt-free granulate consists of natural, non-slip expanded clay. CN Winter Grit is absolutely eco-friendly and a little goes a long way, thus we combine economy and ecology. When winter finally comes to an end, the remaining CN Winter Grit particles can simply be swept into the garden beds and verges and thus even improve the soil.
Is CN Winter Grit a sustainable product?
Our product CN Winter Grit consists of 100% clay, more precisely, expanded clay, and is therefore a natural product. It is extracted by means of opencast mining, and of course the areas left behind are later renaturised. The resources are always used optimally taking into account and in strict compliance with the legal regulations. Thus renaturisation results in new, stable ecosystems in which the focus is on a natural capacity for regeneration.
What other advantages does CN Winter Grit offer users or winter maintenance services?
- CN Winter Grit consists of non-weathering grit particles.
- Thanks to its rough, open-pored surface, it ensures immediate and reliable gritting of icy surfaces.
- The grey-brown grit particles give you an excellent visual indicator of gritting.
- Moreover, you will find it has a persistent effect. The particles offer firm footing after frost-thaw cycles.
- Our product is independent of temperature and therefore remains fully functional even when used at outside temperatures below -10°C (freezing point with de-icing salt).
- CN Winter Grit is absolutely salt-free and thereby offers natural protection for trees and shrubs.
- Our winter grit granulate also stands out as very animal-friendly, because it is especially gentle to dog paws.
Can CN Winter Grit lead to corrosion damage or block sewers?
No. Our product is frequently used in car parks. When our winter grit granulate is used, there is no corrosion damage to vehicles, bridges or buildings. Moreover, it relieves the burden on sewerage systems because our product does not settle as sediment and thus generally does not lead to blockage of sewers.
Is constant regritting required?
In our nearly 30 years of experience, only occasional regritting is required when CN Winter Grit is used, owing to its ideal structure and particle size. However, in general we would like to point out that of course every changed situation must also be assessed individually. Consequently, better safe than sorry should always be the watchword when it comes to regritting icy surfaces.
Are there sometimes new reasons why CN Winter Grit is used?
Yes. For some years now, for example, we have been supplying more and more cities and local authorities with our CN Winter Grit. They, in turn, rely on gritting with our product to keep bike paths safe in the wintertime. In the past, because they used a hard and sharp-edged granulate, authorities found themselves increasingly exposed to rights of recourse on the part of cyclists because bicycle tyres were being downright slit and thus sometimes immense damage claims were asserted.
Is supply availability dependent on the location of the winter maintenance service?
No, we deliver our products all over Germany and, of course, also worldwide. We generally deliver to the location specified or requested by our customer.
Which serious advantages do winter maintenance services that use CN Winter Grit have?
How economical is CN Winter Grit?
What delivery forms are available for CN Winter Grit?
How environmentally compatible is CN Winter Grit?
Is CN Winter Grit a sustainable product?
What other advantages does CN Winter Grit offer users or winter maintenance services?
Can CN Winter Grit lead to corrosion damage or block sewers?
Is constant regritting required?
Are there sometimes new reasons why CN Winter Grit is used?
Is supply availability dependent on the location of the winter maintenance service?